几个英语句子的问题“合作可以不仅使我们交到更多的朋友 而且可以让我们更快的完成任务”这句怎么翻译?类似上句"使......怎样""让.......怎样"一般可以用哪些不同的方法表达?请用not only but also 的倒装句回答哈 谢谢


“合作可以不仅使我们交到更多的朋友 而且可以让我们更快的完成任务”这句怎么翻译?
请用not only but also 的倒装句回答哈 谢谢

cooperation not only can help us make more friends but also can help us finish the task much quickly.

Cooperation could not only bring us more friends, but also allow us finish the tasks more quickly.
可以用make... allow...enable...

Not only can cooperation help us make more friends, but it aslo is helpful for us to accomplish our task mor quickly.
make sb do, let sb do, have sb do, help sb do

Teamwork can not only let us make more friends but also help us finish work more quickly.

Not only can cooperation help us make more friends ,but also it can help us accomplish work sooner.