英语翻译英语翻译 急.1.经济困难之后.他现在过得比较舒服了.2.这个地区以树木种类繁多为特色.3.那几句话曾加了这篇文章的生气.4.当众讲话是她总是感到很紧张.5.他很聪明 但缺乏远大志向.6.沿着路每隔一段都有叔.7.作家经常凭借想象力和精力来构思情节


英语翻译 急.
5.他很聪明 但缺乏远大志向.

. After the economic difficulties. He had a more comfortable now.
2. The features there are many different kinds of trees in this area.
3. The few words had angry with this article.
4. She always feel nervous speaking in public is.
5. He is very clever but lack ambition.
6. Have tertiary intervals along the road.
7. Writers often with imagination and energy to design the plot

1 After the economic difficulties he now flies more comfortable. 2 This area features a wide variety of trees. Just because a few angry words have been added in this article. 4 public speaking is that she always felt very nervous. 5 He is very smart, but lack of lofty aspirations. 6 at intervals along the road have t. 7. Writers often conceived with imagination and energy to the plot
望采纳 谢谢

1 .After the economic difficulties.He now live more comfortable.2 of this area is various to tree species for the characteristics of.3.that a few words have added this article angry.4.speaking in publ...