excuse me,could anybody tell me what is "hand weight'?It should be something used in sport,but i don't know what it means in Chinese.Waiting for your answer.Thanks a lot!


excuse me,could anybody tell me what is "hand weight'?
It should be something used in sport,but i don't know what it means in Chinese.Waiting for your answer.Thanks a lot!


哑铃? 小的那种平时练练手臂肌肉的

hand weight就是健身时抓在或带在手上练手部肌肉和臂部肌肉用的重物.哑铃是其中的一种,但又不仅仅是哑铃.还有做成手套一样,但里面有负重.我说的可能不清楚,下面的几个链接是hand weight 的图,看了就明白了: