用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1.his brother wants ___(go) to the zoo after school2.I like Mr.Green.he is very ___(friend) to us.3.our teacher often ___(relax)half an hour in the afternoon4.my mother doesn't let me ___(sleep)on the sofa5.I like koalas because they are very ___(interest)


1.his brother wants ___(go) to the zoo after school
2.I like Mr.Green.he is very ___(friend) to us.
3.our teacher often ___(relax)half an hour in the afternoon
4.my mother doesn't let me ___(sleep)on the sofa
5.I like koalas because they are very ___(interest)

to go,friendly,relaxes,sleep,interesting

1. to go
2. friendly
3. relaxes
4. sleep
5. interesting