最头痛英语了.麻烦各位大大帮个忙1、In nearly any country,there always exists a _______ gap between the old and the young.A、generationB、dynastyC、timeD、ounce 2、__________ opposite to the teacher,he felt very nervous.A、SeatedB、SatC、SeatingD、Being sat 3、The president visited the __________ of the disaster.A、stressB、situationC、sceneD、pot 4、My brother usually __________ his homework after supper.A、buildsB、describesC、changesD、tackles 5、There is an essential __________ betwee


1、In nearly any country,there always exists a _______ gap between the old and the young.
2、__________ opposite to the teacher,he felt very nervous.
A、SeatedB、SatC、SeatingD、Being sat
3、The president visited the __________ of the disaster.
4、My brother usually __________ his homework after supper.
5、There is an essential __________ between computers and humans.
1、The world is a pleasant place to live in if we accept the fact which other people have a right to live as well as ourselves.
2、They arrived home very wet,as if they had walked all the way under the rain.
3、Fifty-four persons are now known dead following Thursday’s earthquake in northern Japan.
4、American scientists say they believe trees can warn each other to danger by releasing chemicals into the air.
5、The train went on nosily through the night and sometimes I was able to get a little sleep.

1 A代沟
2 C现在分词表主动(主语的动作)
3 C景点
4 D处理
5 B不同之处
1 X which-that
2 X wet-wetly
3 X dead-died
4 X to-of
5 X was able to-wasn't able to
望采纳 祝进步!

1 A 代沟
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 B

1 A2 A3 C4 D5 B
1 X2 X3 √4 √5 X

1 A
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 B
1 X
2 X
3 √
4 √
5 X