英语错题集请高手们找出以下题中的错处1.The lions have been called the kings of the animal world.2.A million is a thousand thousand.3.德国人的复数4.It will rain.Let's hurry.5.Janet couldn't decide whether go and see what had happened or not.6.Jack told them some interesting things and persons which they had never heard of.楼下的答案的第一和第二题错了第一题错的地方为“The lions”“the”“the”“world”中的其中一处第二题错的地方为“million”“a”“thousand”“thousand”中的其中一处并请改正


1.The lions have been called the kings of the animal world.
2.A million is a thousand thousand.
4.It will rain.Let's hurry.
5.Janet couldn't decide whether go and see what had happened or not.
6.Jack told them some interesting things and persons which they had never heard of.
第一题错的地方为“The lions”“the”“the”“world”中的其中一处

1、The lions have been called the kings of animal world.
2、The million is a thousand thousand.
4、It will rainl.Let's hurry up.
5、Janet couldn't decide to whether go and see what had happened or not.
6、Jack told them some interesting things and person which they had never heard of.

1.把the kings改成the king,表示特指,如同the moon.
2.A million is thousand thousand. 去掉“a"
3.德国人的复数 Germans
4.It will rain.Let's hurry up.
5.Janet couldn't decide whether to go and see what had happened.
6.Jack told them about some interesting things and persons whom they had never heard of.

.把The lions改成The lion
3.德国人的复数 Germans
4.It will rain.Let's hurry up.
5.Janet couldn't decide whether to go and see what had happened.
6.Jack told them about some interesting things and persons whom they had never heard of.

The lions 去掉the a thousand thousand改成a thousand and thousand

1.The lion is called the king of the animal world.
2.A million equals to a thousand thousand.
3.德国人的复数 Germans
4.It will rain.Let's hurry up.
5.Janet couldn't decide whether to go and see what had happened.
6.Jack told them about some interesting things and persons whom they had never heard of.

1. The lions 改为 the lion 因为泛指狮子而不是某些狮子
2. 最后一个thousand 改为 thousands
3. 还是German
4. will 变成 could be
5. couldn't 变成 can't
6. 去掉had