根据下面的英文选择上面的英文单词适当填空,并翻译!mention patient increase charge meaning solve bright bother grateful activity1.I am______to you for your advice(忠告).2.The new teacher isn't very________with his students.3.Don't_______it when they come this evening.4.the future seeme______for these children.5.this word has three very different________in English.6.Charlie thinks that money will_________all his problems.7.My favorite outdoor________is


mention patient increase charge meaning

solve bright bother grateful activity
1.I am______to you for your advice(忠告).
2.The new teacher isn't very________with his students.
3.Don't_______it when they come this evening.
4.the future seeme______for these children.
5.this word has three very different________in English.
6.Charlie thinks that money will_________all his problems.
7.My favorite outdoor________is playing football.
8.It's not important.Don't_______your head about it.
9.The number of tourists(旅游者)_______greatly in the past few years(近几年).
10.We often eat in this restaurant because they don't______anything for their service.

1 grateful
2 patient
3 mention
4 bright
5 meaning
6 solve
7 activity
8 bother
9 increased
10 charge

1 grateful 我非常感谢对于你给我的忠告.
2 patient 新来的老师对他的学生并不十分严厉.
3 mention 当他们这个晚上来时,就不要提它了.
4 bright 这些孩子们的未来看起来是一片光明的.
5 meaning 这个单词在英语里有三种不同的意思.
6 solve 查理(Charlie)认为这些钱将会解决他所有的问题.
7 activity 我最喜欢的户外运动是踢足球.
8 bother 那些不重要了.不要让它占用你脑子.
9 increased 在过去的近几年里,旅游者的数量增加的很迅猛.
10 charge我常常到这家餐馆用餐,因为他们不会为他们的其他(额外)服务收取任何费用.

1 grateful 我非常感谢你给我的忠告.
2 patient 新来的老师对他的学生并不十分耐心.
3 mention 当他们晚上来时,就不要提它了.
4 bright 这些孩子们的未来看起来是一片光明的.seems
5 meanings 这个单词在英语里有三种不同的意思.
6 solve 查理(Charlie)认为这些钱将会解决他所有的问题.
7 activity 我最喜欢的户外运动是踢足球.
8 bother 那些不重要了.不要让它干扰你.
9 has increased 在过去的近几年里,旅游者的数量增加的很迅猛.
10 charge我常常到这家餐馆用餐,因为他们不会为他们的其他(额外)服务收取任何费用.