subject 和course的区别申请TU/E,要SUBJECTS的概述,我把各门课都列举了一下,人家说不对,发过来如下一段话~Description of subjects taken during higher education (not course description).请问有谁知道SUBJECTS和COURSE的区别是什么啊信的其他一些内容:This is the description of subjects provided by the university.If the university does not provide a description of subjects,students should write a description.The description should be one or two lines of each subject you took during your bachelor education,giving the titl


subject 和course的区别
Description of subjects taken during higher education (not course description).
This is the description of subjects provided by the university.If the university does not provide a description of subjects,students should write a description.The description should be one or two lines of each subject you took during your bachelor education,giving the title and contents of the subjects of the Bachelor program.

总的来说前者的范围较广,可以理解为学科类,或者你你专业所设计的课程所属的学科范围,后者是每一门具体的课程.比如高等数学和复变函数是同一subject而不是同一个course说的更直白些大学英语1 和大学英语2 也是类似关...