All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large albumwhich will be sent to the headmaster's home这是新概念英语第二册第85课当中的一句话,能给详细的说一下这名当中的语言点吗?


All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album
which will be sent to the headmaster's home这是新概念英语第二册第85课当中的一句话,能给详细的说一下这名当中的语言点吗?

1.all those 是一个定语从句.先行词是those,关系代词是who.作定语从句的主语.
类似的例句;All those who reach the age of 55 can retire.所有那些年龄到55的人都可退休.
2.contribute towards the gift.表面上指贡献礼物,实际指赠送礼物,用contribute towards 更正式,庄重一些.