)19.----What do you think of___ film?----Oh,it is__ wonderful film.In fact,it’s one of_)19.----What do you think of___ film?----Oh,it is__ wonderful film.In fact,it’s one of___ best films I’ve ever seen.A.the ; a; the B a; a; the C.the; the; the D .the; a; 不填 ( )20.Farmers don’ t use animals to do farm work ______.A.no more B.much more C.any more \x05D.no longer两道题为什么选ac


)19.----What do you think of___ film?----Oh,it is__ wonderful film.In fact,it’s one of_
)19.----What do you think of___ film?
----Oh,it is__ wonderful film.In fact,it’s one of___ best films I’ve ever seen.
A.the ; a; the B a; a; the C.the; the; the D .the; a; 不填
( )20.Farmers don’ t use animals to do farm work ______.
A.no more B.much more C.any more \x05D.no longer


19.问题有所指,用the ,“你认为这电影怎么样”
one of 后是形容词*,形容词*前一半加the
20。not any more意为“不再”

1 你认为这部电影怎么样?它是一部好电影,是我看过的最好的之一第一个空肯定是指双方都知道的某部电影,所以第二个人才回答,因此用定冠词表示特指,第二空就是”一部“,第三个*啊,所以用the2 前面还有个not,not …...