有争议的英语选择题i saw a woman running toward me in the dark..I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _________she had come.which 有人说是from which但是答案是in我不明白为什么用in那定语从句就是she had come in which =she had come in direction这说的通吗?direction可以这么用吗?他的词组是这个吗?in the direction of which不也行吗?这样可以看作是which代替the direction 然后she had come 作为which的修饰成分。


有争议的英语选择题i saw a woman running toward me in the dark..
I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _________she had come.which
有人说是from which
那定语从句就是she had come in which =she had come in direction
in the direction of which不也行吗?这样可以看作是which代替the direction 然后she had come 作为which的修饰成分。

要知道先行词是the direction ,in the direction_____she had come是she had ran back的状语

in direction 是习惯用法,不用from.
in the direction of 接方位名词,那么come of ……怎么讲得通,这里不是这个用法。

题目中“in the direction”的搭配
from the direction似乎没有的
只有from the east等等

答案里有 from which 吗?如果没有就只好选in which 了
这种模棱两可的选择题好多 有时的确很伤脑筋

没有争议,是in direction
这是介词的固定搭配,定语从句即she had run back in the direction she had come
没有from direction的搭配