向大家请教2个sat语法题(IE)1.Those who defend sequoia trees from loggers justified doing so on the ground that such trees are irreplaceable.这里的justified为什么是错的?2.Africa's Kanem empire,after enduring for over a thousand years,is believed to have fallen into decline when trade centers shift outsied its boundaries.这里的shift为什么是错的?


1.Those who defend sequoia trees from loggers justified doing so on the ground that such trees are irreplaceable.
2.Africa's Kanem empire,after enduring for over a thousand years,is believed to have fallen into decline when trade centers shift outsied its boundaries.

第一题,justify 应该和后边的 are 时态一致,而 defend 是指 those 应该可以和 justify 时态不一样.
第二题,应该可以这么理解吧, Africa's Kanem empire have fallen into decline when trade centers shift outsied its boundaries.很明显 shift 是过去发生的,不应该用一般现在时.这句话主句意思是 Africa's Kanem empire 被认为是在贸易中心转移出它的境内时开始衰落的.(语句可能不太通顺,请无视).its 指前面的 empire ,而 shift 主语是 centers.