非谓语动词的一些语法问题1.I think it useful to learn English well.作宾语的不定式可换成动名词吗?I think it useful learning English well.2.形容词后不定式省略是例如Is she too eager to do that thing?Yes ,she is too eager to.3.是不是Vt后面跟宾语,Vi后面跟状语?4.My wish is to become a scientist.become 在这里是系动词吗?5.Given more time,I will finish it.这里条件是被动,那条件主动该怎么说?例:如果你能吃完这个西瓜,你将是胜利者.6.doing,having done,to have done这三者在作宾语,状语的区分.7.插入语是状语吗?为什么是独立成分?(独立成分不是指独立主格吗?)例:to tell the truth,juding by his clothes.8.现在分词


1.I think it useful to learn English well.作宾语的不定式可换成动名词吗?I think it useful learning English well.
2.形容词后不定式省略是例如Is she too eager to do that thing?Yes ,she is too eager to.
4.My wish is to become a scientist.become 在这里是系动词吗?
5.Given more time,I will finish it.这里条件是被动,那条件主动该怎么说?例:如果你能吃完这个西瓜,你将是胜利者.
6.doing,having done,to have done这三者在作宾语,状语的区分.
7.插入语是状语吗?为什么是独立成分?(独立成分不是指独立主格吗?)例:to tell the truth,juding by his clothes.
8.现在分词作表语可跟宾语吗?I am watching TV.watching TV是分词短语还是动名词?- =
9.an area that has been developed和an area that is developed的区别?这里BE动词和过去分词之间是系表关系?
10.Would you mind Tom opening the door?opening the door是现在分词做宾补吗?
11.He seems to be worrying about sth.SEEM是系动词吗?to be worrying about sth是表语还是状语?若是状语可否换成being worrying about sth或worrying,理由.
12.分词作状语,什么情况下可省略开头的Having been 或 Being.
13.翻译"父亲来时,他假装睡着了." 哪些是正确的:(理由)
①He pretended to be sleeping when his father came in.
②He was pretending to be sleeping when his father came in.
③He pretended being sleeping when his father came in.
④He pretended sleeping when his father came in.

1.可以.你的句子应该写成:It is useful learning English well.2.这道题我建议你在不知情的情况下最好写完整.等到时候你碰到类似的答案再说吧!3.vt.是及物动词 可以直接接名词做宾语 read the book 的read 就是及物...