my sister asked me where was i last night 改错句1my sister asked me where was i last night2mike got dress quickly and went to school without breakfast3you can hardly sing,can't you?4it's very quiet in the classroom.anyone is speaking.修改病句!最好说出理由哦 谢谢.


my sister asked me where was i last night 改错句
1my sister asked me where was i last night
2mike got dress quickly and went to school without breakfast
3you can hardly sing,can't you?
4it's very quiet in the classroom.anyone is speaking.
修改病句!最好说出理由哦 谢谢.

1=my sister asked me where i was last night
2=mike got dressed quickly and went to school without having breakfast
3=you can hardly sing, can you>?
4=it's very quiet in the classroom. no one is speaking.

1.was I - I was ( 宾语从句用陈述语序)
2 got dress- got dressed 穿衣
3 can't you- can you ( hardly是否定词,反意疑问句前否,后肯)
4 anyone- Nobody/ No one ( 因为前面提到quiet in the classroom教室很安静,所以是没有人说话)