


Our difference is how much?
If I was here eight points, there are several points for you?

What is the time difference between you and me ? If my time is 8PM/AM , how about yours?

What is the time difference betwen us?
If it was 8 here,how about you?

What is the time difference between us?
If I am here is eight o 'clock, you what time is it there?

What is the time difference between us?If it is eight o 'clock here,and what about yours?

What's our time difference?
What's our time difference?

What is the time difference between us? If I am here is eight o 'clock, you what time is it there?


What's our time zone difference? If it's eight(建议这里加个 am 或 pm)here for me, what time is it for you?


What's our time difference?
If it were 8 here, what's the time in your place?