写出下列各词的三人称单数形式、现在分词和过去式sit watch do put have practice put get swim agree run make take study cry arrive stop wash lie pass


sit watch do put have practice put get swim agree run make take study cry arrive stop wash lie pass

sit- sits - sitting - sat
watch - watches - watching - watched
do - does - doing -did
put - puts - putting - put
have - has - having - had
practice - practices - practicing - practiced
get- gets - getting - got
swim - swims - swimming - swam
agree - agrees - agreeing - agreed
run- runs - running - ran
make - makes - making - made
take- takes - taking - took
study- studies - studying - studied
cry - cries - crying - cried
arrive - arrives - arriving - arrived
stop - stops - stopping - stopped
wash -washes - washing - washed
lie - lies - lying -lay
pass -passes - passing - passed