iIt took me two weeks to finish reading the novel written by Mark Twain.为什么用written为什么用written 而不用 was written


iIt took me two weeks to finish reading the novel written by Mark Twain.为什么用written
为什么用written 而不用 was written

定语从句中的关系代词(副词)和be 动词是可以省略的,但是记住 ,要省就一起省,要么就不省,所以要么是 written要么是which was written,明白?? ^^

如果用was written
就要改为 finish reading the novel which was written by

这里的written 是过去分词作定语.
如果用was written 则构成定语从句,应该是这样的:
It took me two weeks to finish reading the novel 【that was written 】by Mark Twain.