英语翻译1,( 我想强调的)is not the proccess but the result.2,Professor Smith's devotion to teaching has ( 留下深刻的印象)on all his students.3,Because of the rising cost ,we spent( 两倍的钱)on the project as had been planned .4,Your father is the president of the bank,but that doesn't mean ( 你有资格在这里工作).5,Only by working at evenings and weekends( 他才能完成报告)by the deadline.6,( 其他条件相同的情况下),a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose


1,( 我想强调的)is not the proccess but the result.
2,Professor Smith's devotion to teaching has ( 留下深刻的印象)on all his students.
3,Because of the rising cost ,we spent( 两倍的钱)on the project as had been planned .
4,Your father is the president of the bank,but that doesn't mean ( 你有资格在这里工作).
5,Only by working at evenings and weekends( 他才能完成报告)by the deadline.
6,( 其他条件相同的情况下),a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.
7,( 就经济发展而言),China has made outstanding achievement in the past 20 years.
8,They ( 一定是误了火车),otherwise they should have arrived here two hours ago.

1.What I want to stress
2.left a deep impression
3.twice money
4.you're qualified to work here.
5.can he finish the report
6.Under the circumstance that other conditions are equal
7.In terms of the ecomonic development
8.must have missed the train