英语 一题单选The visitors want to star at the hotel (where) they stayed last time括号里的是填的The visitors want to star at the hotel (which) they visited last time 为什么where在从句里是做状语啊.我看不出来它和下一题的区别.求教!是否是因为 they stayed at(有介词所以用where) the hotel they visited (没有介词用which)the hotel


英语 一题单选
The visitors want to star at the hotel (where) they stayed last time
The visitors want to star at the hotel (which) they visited last time
是否是因为 they stayed at(有介词所以用where) the hotel
they visited (没有介词用which)the hotel

注意stay 和visit这两个动词的区别,前者为不及物动词,后者为及物动词,所以where they stayed, which they visited

这种题型要看从句中的动词是及物还是不及物,stay 为不及物动词,经常与介词短语连用(stay at home),visit后需要有宾语,所以用which.