歌曲white lie翻译I say I am 10 when I'am 9 and a half,my uncle tells a joke and I try to laugh,in gym I fake a headache when I want to quit,I say I love the sweather that my grandma knit,but that's white lie (white lie),that's the kind you want to tell, a white lie(white lie),so your mon won't have to yell, a white lie(white lie),everybody does it cause it feels all right,and it's more polite,but a lie's still a lie even when it's white.翻译


歌曲white lie翻译
I say I am 10 when I'am 9 and a half,
my uncle tells a joke and I try to laugh,
in gym I fake a headache when I want to quit,
I say I love the sweather that my grandma knit,
but that's white lie (white lie),
that's the kind you want to tell, a white lie(white lie),
so your mon won't have to yell, a white lie(white lie),
everybody does it cause it feels all right,
and it's more polite,
but a lie's still a lie even when it's white.

I say I am 10 when I'am 9 and a half,明明9岁半,可我却说我10岁my uncle tells a joke and I try to laugh,叔叔讲笑话不好笑,我却假装很好笑in gym I fake a headache when I want to quit,体育馆里,怯场了我就假...