英语翻译1.和朋友一起坐船旅行是多么有趣啊!(fun,travel)2.总体而言,他是一个高效而勤奋的合作者(to work with)3.一个人是否会成功取决于他对失败的态度(determine和depend on 个翻一句)4.穿过这片茂密的森林,那个著名的历史遗迹就会印入眼帘(pass through ,and)5.我看见远处有一艘接一艘的船只往海港方向驶来(distance,another)


2.总体而言,他是一个高效而勤奋的合作者(to work with)
3.一个人是否会成功取决于他对失败的态度(determine和depend on 个翻一句)
4.穿过这片茂密的森林,那个著名的历史遗迹就会印入眼帘(pass through ,and)

1.What fun it is to travel with friends by ferry. 2.All in all,he is an effective and hard-working partner. 3. Whether a man can be successful depends on his attitude on the failure. /A man’s attitude to failure determines if he can be successful. 4. Pass through the forest and you’ll see the monument. 5.I saw ships coming towards the distance of the harbour from the far place one by one. 我是手工翻译的,网上那些网站翻出来都会出现问题。

1.It's fun to travel with friends by ship.
2.In a word, he is a highly efficient and hard-working person to work with.
3.To succeed or to be not depends on one's attitude to failure.
One's attitude to failure.determines his sucess or failure.
4.Pass through the thick forest, and you will see the famous historic relic.
5.I see one after another ship coming to the harbour from the distance.

How fun it is to travel with friends by ship!
In a word, he is an efficient and hard-working man to work with.
Whether a person/man will succeed depends on his attitude towards/to failure.
=A man's attitude towards failure determines whether he can succeed or not.
Passing through the thick forest,and that famous/well-known historic site/relic will come into view
I see ships in the distance heading into the harbour one by one.

1 It's such a fun to travel with friends on boats
2 In generally speaking,he is an effective and diligent cooperator to work with
3 Whether a man can succeed or not depends on his attitude towards failure
A man's attitude towards failure determines his success
4 Pass through this thick forest and then you can see those famous historic remains.
5 I saw there are ships coming toward the harbour one after another in a distance

1. It's great fun to travel with friends by ship.
2. In general / Generally speaking / Overall, he is a hardworking and efficient partner wo work with.
3. One's attitude toward failure determineds whether or not he can be successful .
Whether one can succeed or not depends on his attitude toward failure.
4. Pass through this dense woods and you can see the famous cultural relics.
5. I saw in distance boats coming towards the Harbour one after another.

1、It is a great fun to travel in boat.
2、In a word, it is efficient and studious/diligent to work with him.
3、Whether one is successful or not is determined by his attitude to failure.
Whether one is successful or not depends on his attitude to failure.
4、Passing through the thick forest, and you will find that famous historical relic.
5、I saw the sails driving to the harbor one after another.

1.It is fun to travel with friends by ship
2.Generally speaking,he is a efficient and hard-working guy to work with
3.1)Whether a man is successful depend on his attitude toward failure
2)One's attitude toward failure determines whether he can succeed or not
4.After passing through this dense forest,you will find the famous historical sites
5.I can see the boat one after another from a long distance