英语选择.填空.连词成句1.i saw him yesterday.he__to America.A.mustn't have been.B.mustn't have gone.C.can't have gone.D.can't have gone.2.the old man__(retire)two years ago3.he said that he__(can)help me whit my work.4.let me__(introduce)my friend to you.5.he__(live)here since he was young.6.Today is his__(six)birthday.7.(陈述句)the.mother.boy's.let.will.swim.him.not.the.in.river.


1.i saw him yesterday.he__to America.A.mustn't have been.B.mustn't have gone.C.
can't have gone.D.can't have gone.
2.the old man__(retire)two years ago
3.he said that he__(can)help me whit my work.
4.let me__(introduce)my friend to you.
5.he__(live)here since he was young.
6.Today is his__(six)birthday.

1 can't have gone
2 retired
3 could
4 introduce let sb do sth
5. had been living 过去完成进行时
6. sixth 序数词 第六个
7.The boy's mother will not let him swim in the river

根据首字母填空: --Who

1.C\D retired could introduce has been lived sixth The boy's.mother will not let him not.swim in.river。

1 can not have gone have been 意为去过这个状态 have gone 指这个动作
2 retired
3 could
4 introduce
5. has been living
6. sixth
the boy's mother will not let him swim in the river

has been living
The boy's mother will not let him swim in the river.男孩的母亲不会同意他在河里游泳.