二.阅读短文,再断文中找出和所给单词画线部分发音相同的单词.Everday,l get up early,and go to the bay to do some exercise.l like to see the waves in the sea.My little dog likes playing with the wave.Look,there are some boys and girls playing on the beach,too.They are very happy everday.1.day _____________ ______________ ____________ 2.please _____________ ______________ ____________3.desk _____________ ______________ ____________ 画线部分是1.ay 2.ea 3.e


Everday,l get up early,and go to the bay to do some exercise.l like to see the waves in the sea.My little dog likes playing with the wave.Look,there are some boys and girls playing on the beach,too.They are very happy everday.
1.day _____________ ______________ ____________
2.please _____________ ______________ ____________
3.desk _____________ ______________ ____________
画线部分是1.ay 2.ea 3.e

1. bay, waves, playing, everyday
2.early, see, sea
3.get, exercise, happy

1. bay, waves, playing, everyday
2.early, see, sea
3.get, exercise, happy

(1):bay waves piaying
(2):see beach sea
(3):get exercise everyday