英语翻译   摘 要 :  动画是一门幻想艺术,更容易直观地表现和抒发人们的感情,可以把现实不可能看到的转为现实,扩展了人类的想象力和创造力.  许多人认为,动画片拍摄的对象不是真实存在的,它要么是动画师绘制出来的,要么是通过电脑生成出来的,总之,是一些凭空创造出来的东西;实际上,动画本身与其拍摄对象并无必然联系,而真正区别动画和电影电视技术(特指由连续摄影机和摄像机拍出的活动影像技术)的关键是它的拍摄方式,动画指动画技术,在三维动画出现以前.对动画技术比较规范的定义是,采用逐帧拍摄对象并连续播放而形成运动的影像的技术.不论拍摄对象是什么,只要它的拍摄方式是采用的逐格方式,观看时连续播放形成了活动影像,它就是动画.   关键字:幻想 艺术 连续逐格


   摘 要 :
   关键字:幻想 艺术 连续逐格

Animation is a fantasy art/fantastic art. It can transform impossible scenes into possible one, and therefore is a better way to showcase and express the emotions of people, and extend human imagination and creativity.
It is commonly thought that the filming subjects in animation are not real. They are either illustrated by animators or generated by computers. In other words, they are things that are created out of thin air. In fact, animation itself and its subjects do not have a direct connection. The true distinction between animation and television is not on instrumental technology (in terms of motion pictures that are generated by high speed video or film camera ), but on shooting technique/filming style. Before the invention of 3-D animation, animate technologies are referring to any form of techniques that are used to flim and produce stop motion pictures.Strictly speaking, when a motion picture that is filmmed by stop motion technique, and played in the same manner, this motion picture regardless of its filming subject, is called animation.