what is the difference between 'work out' and " turn out?"


what is the difference between 'work out' and " turn out?"
we did not plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well.请问这句话中的'work out' 和turn out的用法一样么?可以换做turn out么?
请问换做went on 表示“发生,进行”合适么?

work out 表示 结果表现的怎么样.这句话的意思是:我们并没有对我们的艺术展抱有很大的期待,但结果却出乎意料的好.
不能用turn out 代替,因为turn out 的意思是结果证明是,有我期待的,我预想的结果.也不能用went on 代替.完全用不上.