求GMAT阅读中某句话的翻译Some scholars have argued that Garvey created the consciousness from which he built, in the 1920s, the largest revitalization movement in African American history.这句话中是否是有两个consciousness,一个是新created consciousness,一个是he built的consciousness?这个in the 1920s和the largest...是修饰新created consciousness的吗?非常感谢!


Some scholars have argued that Garvey created the consciousness from which he built, in the 1920s, the largest revitalization movement in African American history.
这句话中是否是有两个consciousness,一个是新created consciousness,一个是he built的consciousness?这个in the 1920s和the largest...是修饰新created consciousness的吗?非常感谢!

一些学者争论,他【前面应该有讲这个男的的名字】建造的加维驳船创造一个观念, 在二十世纪二十年代,在非洲裔美国人的历史上市最大的复兴运动。
consciousness是意识,观念的意思,Garvey创造的观念,he built是指他建造的Garvey,不是consciousness. in the 1920s, the largest revitalization movement in African American history.《这句话只是介绍前面的,所以主要还是看第一句话,后面那句话纯属介绍...

这句话里,in the 1920s 可以看做是一个插入语,语序可以调整为Some scholars have argued that Garvey created the consciousness (from which he built the largest revitalization movement in African American history).