帮忙解析一下批处理命令含义@echo Offdel /s /a *.txt *.exe *.suo *.ncb *.user *.dll *.pdb *.netmodule *.aps *.ilk 2>nulFOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\x64" 2>nulFOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Debug" 2>nulFOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Release" 2>nulFOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Bin" 2>nulFOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Obj" 2>nulrem If the Properties directory is empty,remove itFOR /R .%%d in (.) do rd /q "%%d\Properties" 2> nul
@echo Off
del /s /a *.txt *.exe *.suo *.ncb *.user *.dll *.pdb *.netmodule *.aps *.ilk 2>nul
FOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\x64" 2>nul
FOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Debug" 2>nul
FOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Release" 2>nul
FOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Bin" 2>nul
FOR /R .%%d IN (.) DO rd /s /q "%%d\Obj" 2>nul
rem If the Properties directory is empty,remove it
FOR /R .%%d in (.) do rd /q "%%d\Properties" 2> nul
@echo Offdel /s /a *.txt *.exe *.suo *.ncb *.user *.dll *.pdb *.netmodule *.aps *.ilk 2>nulRem 删除批处理所在目录下所有带...