英语翻译据我所知,G7 model 最近在欧洲比较流行,我们亚洲市场暂时还没有客户提出需求,所以很抱歉,它暂时也没有相关认证.如果你对它兴趣,我们可以开始申请相关认证,但估计要3-4个月时间.之前Li 要求我们开发12T 这款型号,现在工程师催我们是否要继续开发.样机已经ready.我随时可以寄给你.同时,我之前也寄了一些其他型号给他,不知道你是否有收到


据我所知,G7 model 最近在欧洲比较流行,我们亚洲市场暂时还没有客户提出需求,所以很抱歉,它暂时也没有相关认证.如果你对它兴趣,我们可以开始申请相关认证,但估计要3-4个月时间.
之前Li 要求我们开发12T 这款型号,现在工程师催我们是否要继续开发.样机已经ready.我随时可以寄给你.

As far as I know,G7 model is popular in Europe recently but for Asian market,we have received no demand from those clients.So we're sorry that it has no related certification yet.If you're interested in it,we may start to apply for that certification and it will cost approximately 3 to 4 months.
As for the 12T model that Li required us to develop,now the engineer is urging us on it.I can send you the prototype at any time since it is ready.
I have sent you some other models before and I don't know whether you have got it.