什么是grade book?什么是high-schooler?


什么是grade book?什么是high-schooler?
有个句子demand online grade books to check up on a high-schooler谁知道什么意思?尤其是high-schooler是神马东西?grade book是神马东西?

grade books是分级读物,high-schooler是高中生.谢谢回答哦,那这个句子的意思呢?句子不很完整,但基本意思可见。可译为: 。。。需要网上的分级读物来检查一个高中生(能力)你看哦,这个段落是这样的,前面后面我都了解,就这一句不太明白,在做这一篇的翻译。这篇讲得是父母育儿的问题。 The American stereotype is pervasive: the hovering helicopter parents who rush to prevent a toddler form falling on the playground; worry that their child isn't zooming through Piaget's stages of development; are hawkishly on the look out for any signs of giftedness;恩,是指这个意思。