We are looking forward to___the film____at the Grand Cinema.A.seeing; to show B.see; shown C.seeing; shown D.see; to show 第二空为什么不能填to show


We are looking forward to___the film____at the Grand Cinema.A.seeing; to show B.see; shown C.seeing; shown D.see; to show 第二空为什么不能填to show

look forward to 后面只接ing 形式,shown at the Grand Cinema 修饰the film 做后置定语

look forward to 后面只接ing 形式,see sb do sth和see sb doing sth, 分别表示看见某人做过某事和看见某人正在做某事,如果是被动则改为see sth done

C 因为 shown at the Grand Cinema 修饰the film