什么语言可以代替中文和英文(用英语表达出来)我们外教让我们写.最好连翻译写出来,可以说没有语言可以代替我刚写了一篇,提提意见。I think there is no language can be instead of English and chinese.Because all the people in the world in learning English and Chinese,Chinese is complex,but the foreign people who want to come to China,and now some of the programs are foreigners in learning Chinese,and Chinese culture,and finally choose a champion,and English is the international language,so I think there is no language c


我刚写了一篇,提提意见。I think there is no language can be instead of English and chinese.Because all the people in the world in learning English and Chinese,Chinese is complex,but the foreign people who want to come to China,and now some of the programs are foreigners in learning Chinese,and Chinese culture,and finally choose a champion,and English is the international language,so I think there is no language can be replaced English and chinese.

What can replace the Chinese and English language

Mars language(火星语)

What language can take the place of English and Chinese?
Body language

No languages could replace to Chinese and English.