英语翻译Some things are easier when you are very tall.You can help a cat off the tree withuot using a ladder.YOU can easily see football matchor you can pick apples from apple trees.But some things can be very difficult.You can't buy the right shoes clothes ro even the right bed .You can't stand an a bus or sit in a taxi .第二段:You can't thoose your father or your mother.But you can choose to be tall or short,fat or thin,strong or weak .Food and esercisise


Some things are easier when you are very tall.You can help a cat off the tree withuot using a ladder.YOU can easily see football matchor you can pick apples from apple trees.
But some things can be very difficult.You can't buy the right shoes clothes ro even the right bed .You can't stand an a bus or sit in a taxi .
第二段:You can't thoose your father or your mother.But you can choose to be tall or short,fat or thin,strong or weak .Food and esercisise are good ways to make you grow tall and strong.
You can choose what to eat when to make you grow tall and strong.
You can choose what to eat,when to eat and how much to eat .You can choose when and how to esercise your body .you can choose the living the way you like.

