几道改成同义句的英语题1、Her father bought the car three months ago.___________________________for three months.2、The girl left her home a year ago,she has not come back.the girl ____________ ___________from her home a year.3、My father has never been to other countries before.__________________________________________________.4、My mother went to Beijing last week and she hasn't come back yet.________________________________________________________________.5、This


1、Her father bought the car three months ago.
___________________________for three months.
2、The girl left her home a year ago,she has not come back.
the girl ____________ ___________from her home a year.
3、My father has never been to other countries before.
4、My mother went to Beijing last week and she hasn't come back yet.
5、This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
I ________ _______read such an interesting book before.

1.Her father has had the car for three months.
2.The girl has been away from her home a year.
3.My father has never been abroad before.
4.My mother has gone to Beijing.
5.i have never read such an interesting book brfore.

1.Her father has kept the car
2.has left
3.My father always stays in his hometown.
4.My mother has stayed in BeIjing for a week.
5.have ever