英语反义词专练用划线单词的反义词的适当形式填空,补全句子.1.Tom always looks _clever_,but sometimes he also does some _______ things.2.In old times,some _hosts_ were always bad to their _______.3.What you said made me between _clear_ and _____.4.Now most people have _enough_ food to eat,but almost all people were _____ of food in the past.5.If you ______ 5 to 5,you will get 10.If you _subtract_ 5 from 5,you will get 0.


1.Tom always looks _clever_,but sometimes he also does some _______ things.
2.In old times,some _hosts_ were always bad to their _______.
3.What you said made me between _clear_ and _____.
4.Now most people have _enough_ food to eat,but almost all people were _____ of food in the past.
5.If you ______ 5 to 5,you will get 10.If you _subtract_ 5 from 5,you will get 0.

1.Tom always looks _clever_,but sometimes he also does some _silly_ things.2.In old times,some _hosts_ were always bad to their _audience_.3.What you said made me between _clear_ and _confuse_.4.Now m...