what is the different between "intense" and "compulsively" thanks a million you answer!


what is the different between "intense" and "compulsively" thanks a million you answer!

i would like to try my best to explain it.
" intense" is an adjective word which have three meanings
1:very great,very strong ,extreme.for stance:the president is under intense pressure to resign
2:serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time.for example:intense speculation
3:(of a person) having or show very strong feelings,opinions or thoughts about sth/sb
for instance:he is very tense about everything
compulsively is an adverb word and its adjective form is compulsive.it also have three meanings
1:(of behavior) that is difficult to stop or control .for exaple:compulsive gambling.
2:(of people) not being able to control their behavior.for example:compulsive gambler
3:that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting.for exple
the programme made compulsive viewing.
that's from Oxford dictionary.
and have you understood now?