根据给出的单词和提示,编写一段对话.1.cinema 2.bookstore 3.post office 4.bus stop 5.school 6.gymJack is new in you city.Now he's in the cinema,he wants to go to the post office.He ask for your help.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.cinema 2.bookstore 3.post office 4.bus stop 5.school 6.gym
Jack is new in you city.Now he's in the cinema,he wants to go to the post office.He ask for your help.

Firstly,before you go to the post office,you must first take a bus to there.You need to find a bus stop.Turn right from the cinema,go straight until you reach to a bookstore.Turn left to the pathway.Walk through the pathway until you see a bus stop.You must wait for the bus no.123.After the bus arrive,ride on it until you reach to a bus stop which opposite of a gym center.Walk down from the bus,then turn right.Walk through the street until you reach to a traffic light.Cross through the road then you will arrive to the post office.