单项选择 1.Where ___ you born?Adid Bhad Cwas Dwere 2.Do you enjoy working?Yes,I do I like ___单项选择1.Where ___ you born?Adid Bhad Cwas Dwere 2.Do you enjoy working?Yes,I do I like ___Abusy Bvery much Ckeeping busy Dbusy3.May I ask you ___ questions?A a little Bany Csome Da4.Last night my father ___ home very lateAreached Bgets Creached to Dgot to5.When Jim was a child ,they ____ to FranceAlived Bworked Creached Dmoved6.___ go and see the baby pandas?Godd id


单项选择 1.Where ___ you born?Adid Bhad Cwas Dwere 2.Do you enjoy working?Yes,I do I like ___
1.Where ___ you born?
Adid Bhad Cwas Dwere
2.Do you enjoy working?Yes,I do I like ___
Abusy Bvery much Ckeeping busy Dbusy
3.May I ask you ___ questions?
A a little Bany Csome Da
4.Last night my father ___ home very late
Areached Bgets Creached to Dgot to
5.When Jim was a child ,they ____ to France
Alived Bworked Creached Dmoved
6.___ go and see the baby pandas?
Godd idea
ALet's BCan you CShall we DDo we
7.Happy New Year!
Aok Bhow do you do Cthe same to you Dhow are you?
8.How often are you ill?
ALast week BSometimes CThree days DLess than a week
9.Wei Hua ___ a busy day yesterday
Ahas Bhad Cwas Dhave
10.When ___ you come here?We ____ here last week
Ado come Bdo came Cdid came Ddid come

1.Where _C__ you born?Adid Bhad Cwas Dwere 2.Do you enjoy working?Yes,I do I like _C__Abusy Bvery much Ckeeping busy Dbusy3.May I ask you _C__ questions?A a little Bany Csome Da4.Last night my father ...