

Nowadays,more and more college students to do the part-time job.But different people have different ideas.
Some person think the part-time job occupy students a lot of time learning and many person put emphasis has been placed on it.Maybe some people because of poverty at home and part-time,this can still be.But to put learning in the first place.
Others think there are many benefits to part-time job.For instance,the ability to train people's,let the people as soon as possible to adapt to society and so on.
In my opinions,a part-time job is good or bad,people should grasp the metric.Don't forget learn,student's main task is to learn.Now begin to adjust immediately!

Nowadays, more and more college students want to do a part-time job. But different people have different ideas.
Some person think the part-time job occupies students a lot of time learning and many person put emphasis on it. Because of poverty ,some people should take some part-time jobs. Above all study must come first.
Others think there are many benefits to take a part-time job. For instance, the ability to train people, making it possible forpeople to adapt to the society .
In my opinion, a part-time job may be good or bad. People should grasp the metric. Don't forget to learn,.Student's main task is to learn. Now begin to adjust immediately! !