英语翻译气势雄伟的山峰,美丽动人的传说,赋予望儿山独特的旅游神韵.现在请大家看闪电的望儿塔,它建于明末,是一座藏式青砖塔,远望有如一位老母亲伫立山巅,是后人为纪念这位老母亲修建的.塔高8.18米,由地宫、塔基、塔身、塔顶四部分构成.当您依塔远眺,可东望碧波万顷之渤海,一派水天相接的浩壮气势,西望村舍镶嵌于绿野之中,令人心旷神怡.现在我们来到慈母像前,这是为了纪念天下所有的慈母修建的,她是天下所有慈母的缩影.……呈现在大家眼前的是“步母石”,在石阶上印有两行清晰的足迹,传说这是当年那为母亲和她孩子留下的.山下的一池碧水叫“母恩池”,从山上流下来的汩汩泉水是抱母泉,表达了母恩浩荡、报答母恩要似水流长的深刻寓意.望儿山 Wang'er Hill


望儿山 Wang'er Hill

译文:The impressive-looking mountain peak of vehemence, the beautiful and moving legend, gives to hope the special tour poetic charm of the son mountain.
Ask everyone to see the lightning flash hope the son tower now, it sets up in the clear end, is a brick tower with green hide type, hope like old mother to stand still the summit of hill far, is a posterity to fix something to set up for memorial this old mother.Tower high 8.18 meters, constitute from a temple, tower 基 , tower body, a four-part cent of tower.When you depend on the tower to take a distant look, can the east hope the bluish green wave ten thousand just it Bohai Sea, a parties water the 浩 that day connect strong vehemence, the west hopes the village to give up to inset in green pasture, make the person free of mind and happy of heart.
Now we arrive at the mother before be like, this is in honor of all mothers of world to fix to set up of, she is all mothers of world to miniature.The …… present is" tread the female stone" before everyone's eyes, print to have two lines of clear footprints on the stone stairs, legend this is that year what that leave for the mother and her child.Below the hills of a the bluish green water of pond call" female boon pond", the spring of 汩汩 flowed down from the top of hill is to embrace the female spring, expressing the female boon 浩荡 and recompensing the female boon to want deep implied meaning that water current grow.

The imposing mountain peak, the beautiful moving fable, entrusts with
looks the mountain unique traveling charm.
Now asks everybody to look the lightning looks the tower, it
constructed at the end of the Ming dynasty, was a Tibet type blue
brick tower, far looked has like an old mother to stand and wait for a
long time the summit of a mountain, was the posterity for commemorates
this old mother to construct. The tower height 8.18 meters, by the
mausoleum chamber, the tower base, the tower body, the tower go
against four parts of constitutions. When you look out into the
distance according to the tower, but east looks Bohai Sea of
碧波万顷 the, a school of water and sky docking vast strong
imposing manner, gazes westwards the rural cottage to mount in Yu
Lvye, completely relaxed.
Front now we arrive the loving mother to like, this is constructs for
commemoration world all loving mothers, she is the world all loving
mothers' miniature. ... ... Presents at present in everybody is "a
step of female stone", was printed with two lines of clear trails in
the stone steps, fable this is same year that stays behind for the
mother and her child. Under mountain blue water calls "the female
graciousness pond", flows down 汩 汩 the water seepage from the
mountain holds the female spring, expressed the female graciousness to
be enormous and powerful, to repay the female graciousness to have to
resemble the fluent long profound implication.

the Wang'er Hill have special tour verve because of majesty mountain , beatiful and winningness legend.now please look the mountaintop'wang'er tower,it had been build in the end of Ming dynasty,it is a Tibant modality tower and make of cyan brick,if you look into the distance from a far place ,you will find the tower is like an old mother stand for a long while on the mountaintop, the later generations built it for sake of commemorate this mother.The tower is eight point eighteen meters high ,compose with undergroud palace 、towersill 、towerbody and towertop.when you lean the tower overlook the far place ,you can see the Bo Ocean of brimeless fluctuant wave, the vigour is grand and heroic that like the seawater and the sky are connect together,look west is the village was enchase in the green filed,the scene make us relaxed and happy.
Now,let us go to the front of Cimu portrait,this portrsit was built for all of the loving mother of the world,she is the commissary of all the loving mother……now in your eyes is "Bumu stone",there are two footprints on the stone steps,they were left behind by the mother and her child .There is a green pond in the submontane was called Muen pond,the conduit guegle from the hill is Baomu conduit,it is espress that mother' favour is vast and mightly,and the moral is that we should pay back the favour like the flowing water .