1.She managed to save ——she could out of her wages to help her brother.A.how little money B.so little money C.such little moneyD.what little money我选的是B 为什么2.Although he has become rich,he is still very ---of his moneyA.economic B.thrifty C.frugal D.careful我选B 为什么


1.She managed to save ——she could out of her wages to help her brother.
A.how little money B.so little money C.such little money
D.what little money
我选的是B 为什么
2.Although he has become rich,he is still very ---of his money
A.economic B.thrifty C.frugal D.careful
我选B 为什么


第一题是强调句型,我用括号把句型分开,你就明白了.She managed to save (what) little money [ she could out of her wages ]to help her brother.这里what可以用在强调句中作连接词,你一定学过的.后边[]里的是lit...