英语翻译摘要:员工好比是一座大厦的地基,地基不牢,大厦焉附?现如今“提高员工满意度”的口号在众多企业中已刮起一阵旋风.那又该如何提高呢?本人在经过一段时间的市场调查和翻阅一些典籍后,稍有一些体会,那就是采取两手抓的管理措施,一是在员工的物质方面,毕竟人的最初欲望就是得到温饱.二是在员工的精神方面,人生五大需求中的后三个需求就要在这里得以实施.当一个企业在员工方面做好了工作,那么至少为以后做大做强铺设好了高速公路.关键词:员工 需求制度 激励机制


关键词:员工 需求制度 激励机制

The staff is just like is a building ground, the ground is not firm, the building attaches? Nowadays “enhances the staff degree of satisfaction” the slogan has blown a tornado in the numerous enterprises. How should that enhance? Myself after passing through period of time the market survey and glances through some ancient books, slightly some experiences, that is the management measure which adopts grabs with both hands; first, in staff's material aspect, after all person's initial desire obtains the warm and sufficient condition. Second, in staff's energetic aspect, in the life five big demand's latter three demands must be able to implement in here. When an enterprise has completed the work in the staff aspect, will then do at least for later does greatly lays down the highway.


Abstract:The staff is like a building foundation,the foundation is not strong,building adhere to?These days "to improve employee satisfaction," the slogan of many enterprises who have whipped up a whirlwind.And how can it be increased?I After a period of market research and read some books,the slightly some experience,that is,the management measures taken by both hands,first,the material aspects of the staff,after all,people's first desire is to get food and clothing.Second,the staff of the spirit,life after the five requirements of the three needs will have been implemented here.When an enterprise staff do the work,then at least to lay bigger and stronger for the future good of the highway.
Keywords:Demand system,incentives for employee satisfaction

Employee's compare to is a foundation of mansion and the foundation be rickety and how does the mansion attach?The slogan of now"exaltation employee's satisfaction" has already blown a burst of tornado in numerous business enterprise now.That how again should exaltation?Oneself at through a period of time of market research with have a little bit after browsing some ancient works some realize, that is to adopt two hands grasp of management measure, on being a material in employee, after all person of first the desire is to get Wen Bao3.Two is a spirit in employee, in life five greatest needs of empress three need will here can implement.When a business enterprise have done work at the employee, so at least is later do big do strong build good superhighway.