


的纯粹是翻译软件弄的。以下是我翻译的,可能会有错误,很粗糙,见谅. A earthquake occured in Sichuan province, China in May 12th, 2008, which

according to Chinese Customs Regulation ,your goods total value must be exactly € 1,200 then can be clearence successfully. otherwise we just waiting there.
i am so sorry about this happened but hope you kindly understand that we just obey the laws . also pls kindly re-distribution of your goods value. thank you so much .

According to Chinese customs regulations,the total value of the goods must be exact € 1,200 to process the customs clearance.Otherwise we won't be able to clear customs.
Please redistribute the value of goods, we apologize for the inconvenience but there is nothing we can do.

According to the regulations of Chinese Customs,only total value of your goods is exactly € 1200 ,can you successfully complete customs clearance. which otherwise we won't be able to complete , So please redistribute the value of your goods, for which I apologize deeply, but
we can do nothing but this.

According to Chinese customs regulations,only the total value of the goods must be just 1200 euros that the customs clearance can be completed smoothlyOtherwise we will be unable to clear customs,plea...