I was helped out because you are kind 改为同义句(用 because of)I didn‘t get letters from Jim for long 改为同义句JIm didn’ t ()()()for longIs it unlucky to be ()()()_有失聪又失明____


I was helped out because you are kind 改为同义句(用 because of)
I didn‘t get letters from Jim for long 改为同义句
JIm didn’ t ()()()for long
Is it unlucky to be ()()()_有失聪又失明____

JIm didn’ t (write)(to)(me)for long.
deaf and blind


I was helped out because of your kindness
write to me
blind and deaf

I was helped out because you are kind.改为同义句(用 because of)
I was helped out because of your kindness.
I didn‘t get letters from Jim for long.改为同义句
JIm didn’ t (write) (to) (me) for long.
Is it unlucky to be (deaf) (and) (blind)?(又失聪又失明)