英语课文Jimmy is five old and he is already very good at painting.He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures,and people pay lots of money for them.Theysay,"This boy is going to be famous(著名的)when he is a little older,and then we are going to sell these pictures for lots of money."Jimmy's pictures are different from other people's ,because he never paints on the whole paper.He paints on half of it,and the other half is always empty."That's very clev


Jimmy is five old and he is already very good at painting.He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures,and people pay lots of money for them.Theysay,"This boy is going to be famous(著名的)when he is a little older,and then we are going to sell these pictures for lots of money."
Jimmy's pictures are different from other people's ,because he never paints on the whole paper.He paints on half of it,and the other half is always empty.
"That's very clever,"says everybody."No one else does that!"
One day,someone buys one of Jimmy's pictures and then says to him,"Please tell me this,Jimmy.Why do you paint on the bottom(底部)half of the paper,but not on the top half?""Because l am small,"says Jimmy,"and my brushes can't reach the top half."
( )1.jimmy is five years old and he is good at painting.
( )2.People don't like Jimmy's pictures.
( )3.Jimmy paints on the whole paper.
( )4.Jimmy's pictures are the same as others'.
( )5.Jimmy is xmall and his brushes can't reach the top of the paper.
注意:特别是回答第3题,请仔细答题,保证准确率.Thank you very much.
2.brushes ____________
6.Jimmy is small and his brushes can't reach the top of the paper______________