英语对话 2个女儿与父亲老师让表演的对话,3个人,两个女儿和一个父亲.随便什么类型都行,有没有啊.


英语对话 2个女儿与父亲

A:today is my birthday!but,I almost forget.对了,今天是我的生日.我几乎忘了
B:Happy birthday,sister!Here is a present for you.I hope you like it.
A:Oh,great!I love it!You know I've been expecting this for a long time.
B:I'm very glad to hear that.
B:hi,dad ,where are you going?
C:wo,today is A‘s birthday.Have you forgetten?
B:I`ve got to get a birthday gift for A.What are you going to get her?
C:ti is a secret.
C:Happy birthday,here are gift for you.
A:Oh,chocolates,I love chocolates
C:What's in the box then?
A:Oh,what a nice toy car!