①It ()that Tom got the first prize.A.to say B.said C.is said D.to say②he left his hometown two years ago(同义句)It has ()two years ()he left his hometown.③I heard him read English aloud in the garden.(改为被动语态)He()()()read English aloud in the garden.


①It ()that Tom got the first prize.
A.to say B.said C.is said D.to say
②he left his hometown two years ago(同义句)
It has ()two years ()he left his hometown.
③I heard him read English aloud in the garden.(改为被动语态)
He()()()read English aloud in the garden.

①It (C)that Tom got the first prize.
A.to say B.said C.is said D.to say
②he left his hometown two years ago(同义句)
It has (been)two years (since)he left his hometown.
③I heard him read English aloud in the garden.(改为被动语态)
He(was)(heard)(to)read English aloud in the garden.