阅读短文,选词填空.(feeling,stonger,took,in,bigger,Lily,wolf,hamburger,happy,hungry)It was a fine day.Lily was very_____.she can see her grandmother again.She_____the basket and put some food____it.On the way to her grandma's house,she met a big bad _____.It was _____ than her.it was ____than her.Its mouth was ______than hers .The wolf wanted to eat Liiy.But_____is ciever.She asked:"How's your feeling?"."Very_____,of course."Look!I have a magic(神奇的)____,you ca


It was a fine day.Lily was very_____.she can see her grandmother again.She_____the basket and put some food____it.On the way to her grandma's house,she met a big bad _____.It was _____ than her.it was ____than her.Its mouth was ______than hers .The wolf wanted to eat Liiy.But_____is ciever.She asked:"How's your feeling?"."Very_____,of course."Look!I have a magic(神奇的)____,you can fiy afer you eat it."The wolf ate it and couldn't stop fiying.Lily ran to her grandma's home quickly.