不要将头,手伸出窗外 英语怎么说?1 不要将头,手伸出窗外 2 汽车将在前方路口转弯,请扶好,坐好.乘车方面的英语.呵呵.


不要将头,手伸出窗外 英语怎么说?
1 不要将头,手伸出窗外
2 汽车将在前方路口转弯,请扶好,坐好.

Don't put your head and hands out of the window.

1.dont reach out your head and hands
2.The bus is gonging to turn in the next crossing.Please hold the holder firmly, and sit firmly

Don't put your head or your hand out of the window.
The vehicle will take a turn at the crossing in front.Please hold fast and sit tight.