英语翻译many couples choose not to have children,and some cannot have children themselves.Infertile(不生育的) couples may be trying to have children,but without success.Some will try medical treatment,which may be painful,embarrassing,or expensive—or even all three!But whatever the case,chidless couples agree that the reason they don't have children is a private matter,and not for public discussion.Infertile couples are especially adamant(强硬的)about this:nothi


many couples choose not to have children,and some cannot have children themselves.Infertile(不生育的) couples may be trying to have children,but without success.Some will try medical treatment,which may be painful,embarrassing,or expensive—or even all three!But whatever the case,chidless couples agree that the reason they don't have children is a private matter,and not for public discussion.Infertile couples are especially adamant(强硬的)about this:nothing is more painful than being asked,"why don't you have kids?Are you lazy or something?" Or,"Why don't you adopt?"Adoptive parents feel embarrassed when someone asks,"why did you adopt?Were you too busy to have your own kids?"Questions about someone's parenthood are nosey(好管闲事的),and just not anyone's business.If a couple needs you to know why they don't have children,they will tell you!If not,follow this policy:if you don't know,then you don't need to know,so don't ask!your silence on the matter will be greatly appreciated,especially by those who are struggling with the heartbreak of not being able to conceive or bear children.Like any other pain,you cannot understand what the feeling is until you experience it yourself.There are many things in life that should remain private.The decision to have children is one of them.

很多夫妇选择不要孩子,一些人自己不能生育下一代。不能生育的夫妇可能会很努力要孩子却没有好的结果。一些人会尝试医学手段,可能会带来疼痛、很尴尬或是很昂贵,甚至这三者同时都有。但无论如何,没有孩子的夫妇认为,他们无法生育的原因是私人事件,不可公开讨论。不生育的夫妇对此事特别强硬的:没有比问他们这些更令人痛苦的了,”你们为什么没有孩子?你们很懒吗,还是有别的什么原因? ”或者 ,"你们为什么不领养?" 领养孩子的父母会感到尴尬,当有人问:你们为什么领养?是你们太忙了而不能有自己的孩子吗? 有关别人的父母身份的问题是好管闲事的,而且这不是任何人都可以管的事情。如果一对夫妇需要你了解为什么他们没有孩子,他们自然会告诉你!如果不需要,就遵循以下策略:如果你不知道,就不需要知道,所以就不要问!你对于这个问题的保持沉默会令他们非常感激,特别是那些正因为不能怀孕或生孩子而心碎不已的夫妇。就像任何其他痛苦一样,你是无法理解那种感受的,直到你自己经历过。生活中有许多事情还是保持私人化比较好。而要孩子这个决定就是其中之一。


