根据首字母及中文提示完成句子1.Teachers told us that_______(知识)is power.2.Zhu Jun is used to_______(介绍)his guests at the beginning of the chat show.3.I love_____(频道)Young so much that I watch it every day.4.The twins have______(相似的)characteristics.5.This film______(让……想起)me of the earthquake 30 years ago.


1.Teachers told us that_______(知识)is power.
2.Zhu Jun is used to_______(介绍)his guests at the beginning of the chat show.
3.I love_____(频道)Young so much that I watch it every day.
4.The twins have______(相似的)characteristics.
5.This film______(让……想起)me of the earthquake 30 years ago.

1 knowledge
2 introducing
3 Channel
4 similiar
5 remind